Award Nominations

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2022 IETS Awards

Here's your opportunity to nominate one of your colleagues for an IETS award! If you're hesitating due to the challenge of assembling the nomination materials, please don't; others, including the nominee, are able to assist you!

The IETS Awards Program will be administered online.
Submit your nominations

If this is your first visit to the nominator site, you will need to create a new nominator account.

If you have been a nominator in the past, please enter your login and password and proceed to the nominator page.

Select an Award, the Pioneer, the Distinguished Service Award, the Peter W. Farin Trainee Travel Scholarship, or the Early Career Achievement Award, and begin your nomination.

Click on the Award you would like to submit a nomination for and enter the information.

Accurate e-mail addresses are necessary. Nomination deadline is August 30, 2021. Nomination deadline for the Early Career Achievement Award is August 30.

If you need any assistance at all, please contact Debi Seymour (phone: 217-398-4697; e-mail: Thank you for your continued support of the IETS Awards Program.