Board Committees

Annual Conference Committee


Chair: President, Rebecca Krisher; Vice President,Marc-Andre Sirard; Treasurer, Pierre Comizzoli; 2025 Program co-chairs: Kiho Lee and Paula Rodriguez; CANDES Chair: Dragos Scarlet; DABE Chair: Paula Rodriguez; HASAC Chair: George Perry; Foundation Chair: Paula Tribulo; Graduate Student Poster Competitions Chair: Khoboso Lehloenya; Peter Farin Trainee Travel Award Chair: Islam Saadeldin; Early Career Achievement Award Chair: Carrie Hanna; Undergraduate Poster Competition: Rolando Pasquariello; Morulas Board: Alejandro de la Fuente-Lara, President: Daniel Angel Velez


To organize and present the best possible annual conference (AC) based on experience and common thinking.


To use the experiences made from PC and LOC being at the AC, together with the opinions from interest groups and the Board of Governors, in a practical and simple way for everyone; therefore, it is a common meeting on Tuesday of the AC.


  • The main activity for the whole committee is a luncheon meeting on the last day (Tuesday) of the AC. For the meeting, an agenda should be made and sent to the members in advance.
  • The overall form of the meeting is to focus on information and impressions from the actual AC, PC and LOC, get input from the previous AC PC and LOC, and then get questions and concerns from the coming AC, PC and LOC. It is important to stress that we must speak openly and directly, and that we do so to make the best possible use of the limited time together to make AC even better for everyone.
Audit Committee


Chair (Matthew Wheeler): Appointed by the Board of Governors

Members (Charles Rosenkrans, Pierre Comizzoli): One or two, jointly appointed by the Board of Governors and the Chair


Each member of the Committee will serve for 3 years, and may or may not become Chair of the Committee during this term, at the pleasure of the Board of Governors. A member of the Committee may be Chair more than once, but not in consecutive terms. Members, one or two, will be jointed appointed by the board of Governors and the Chair.


To fulfill the formal US tax law requirements to the Board as owners of the IETS Society.


To ascertain the validity and reliability of the information provided by the IETS society management, both in financial systems and records as well as in non-financial areas such as safety and security.


  • Perform an annual financial and non-financial audit based on sampling. This audit is made in the fall, i.e. well after the end of the IETS fiscal year (01 July - 30 June).
  • To determine if or when an external professional accounting audit should be retained.
  • Prepare and present a report for the Board's meeting in January.
  • As necessary.


None, except when an external audit needs to be performed and then it could be up to $12,000.

Award Committee


Chair (President)


To promote persons having contributed significantly to the activities of IETS.


To identify candidates for the two IETS awards: the scientific Pioneer Award and the Distinguished Service Award.


  • Identify a list of most likely candidates for the two awards, using the following parameters: personal condition (e.g., age and health), gender, geographic location in relation to the actual annual conference (AC).
  • Present list for Board of Governors (BoG) discussion at mid-year meeting.
  • Contact the selected candidates, using standard IETS letter of invitation and custom-modify; the connection person must be aware of the Prospectus; that is, what constitutes the award and what is supported (e.g., travel). Work with FASS to complete the procedure.
  • Arrange with the contact persons to present the award winners, both in writing and at the AC.
  • Prepare and present reports: mid-year (June) and end-of-year (January) reports.
  • Present progress at BoG teleconference/Skype in September or October.
Communications Committee


Co-chairs: Gabriela Mastromonaco, Beatriz Fernandez-Fuertes
Marcello Rubessa
Vice President
IETS Executive Assistant (Jenny Paul)
Chairs of the 2025 LOC and PC
Committee Chairs from HASAC (George Perry), CANDES (Dragos Scarlet), DABE (Paula Rodriguez), Data Retrieval, João H. Viana, Chair of the Foundation (Paula Tribulo)


To build-up and maintain a relevant and updated external information platform of the IETS, and to keep the IETS membership informed of IETS events, activities and news.


To ascertain an updated and professional standard of the IETS Website and to act as Editor of the IETS Newsletter.


  • Edit and publish four issues of IETS Newsletter, meeting the deadlines and delivery time of the newsletter.
  • Having constant attention to get and maintain contacts to relevant authors of the feature articles.
  • Updating the website regularly, and reacting to issues being reported.
  • Prepare and present reports: Mid-year (June) and End-of year (January).
  • As necessary.
Exhibitor and Sponsor Committee


Chair: Trudee Fair, Bianca Gasparrini, Jenny Paul


To promote the activities of the IETS by facilitating acquisition of financial support.


To garner financial support for the Society in general, and the annual meeting in particular, typically in the form of corporate sponsorship, commercial exhibitors, and endowments.


  • Annual review and update of list of Sponsors/Exhibitors.
  • Strategically target sponsors/exhibitors that are specifically relevant for upcoming Conference Program.
  • Identify short list of most likely international Sponsors/Exhibitors for upcoming meeting.
  • Identify likely local Sponsors/Exhibitors.
  • Assign appropriate ad hoc IETS members to be "sponsor-connection persons": (1) The sponsor-connection person will make initial contact with sponsor /exhibitor; (2) The sponsor-connection person must be aware of the Prospectus (i.e., what constitutes Gold, Silver and Bronze levels, etc.); (4) Work with FASS to "close" the deal.
  • Update Sponsor/Exhibitor Prospectus, and have ready to distribute to all Sponsors/Exhibitors at the time of each annual conference.
  • Provide written invitation to each Sponsor/Exhibitor to attend luncheon meeting at the annual conference.
  • Visit each exhibit booth at the conference and thank them. Encourage them to attend the Sponsors/Exhibitors luncheon.
  • Sponsors/Exhibitors Luncheon – invite, chair; the purpose of the luncheon is to: (1) thank Sponsors/Exhibitors for their support; (2) become better acquainted on a personal level; (3) promote and sustain a long-standing relationship; (4) feedback and suggestions for future conferences.
  • Prepare and present reports: Mid-Year (June) and End-of-Year Reports (January).
  • Present progress at BoG teleconference/Skype in September/October.
Junior Scientist Representative Ad Hoc Committee


Chair (Vice President), Board of Governors


To identify candidates to present at ICAR


Upon request from the Executive Committee of the International Congress of Animal Reproduction, and following a positive vote by the Board of Governors, the IETS will select a junior scientist to represent the IETS at the International Congress of Animal Reproduction through presentation of an invited paper. The junior scientist will be selected by an ad hoc committee chaired by the Past-President and with the Board of Governors acting as the committee. The Past President will call for nominations from the Board of Governors. Upon assembly of a slate of candidates, the Board will choose a junior scientist representative by majority vote. The criteria are 1) that the person be early in their career (5 years or less in the first permanent position), 2) a good speaker, 3) working in a research area that is relevant to ICAR and 4) a member of IETS.

Membership Committee


Chair: João H. Viana


To ascertain a stable number of IETS members.


Provide an overview of the membership and its development over the last five years. Identify potential groups or individuals who could become interested in becoming an IETS member. Consider how the IETS remains attractive for existing and potential members.


  • Prepare and present report for the Board's Mid-Year meeting with status of on-going activities.
  • Prepare and present report for the Board's meeting in January including (i) Review and update of membership list; (ii) Strategic considerations about members/membership groups that would be specifically relevant for IETS to contact, and how eventually to do it.
  • Prepare a short overview of the membership and its development for the Newsletter
  • Consider what kind of short membership report would be relevant to have on the IETS website



Nominating Committee


Chair (Vice President), President, Treasurer.


To ascertain and keep a balanced composition of the Board of Governors (BoG).


To identify candidates' Vice President and Governors' for membership of the Board.


  • Contact potential new candidates after careful consideration of factors such as gender, nationality, and professional activity.
  • Present a list of suggested new candidates for discussion in the Board at the mid-year BoG meeting.
  • Prepare and present reports: mid-year (June) and end-of-year (January) reports.
Partner Committee


Chair appointed by Foundation Chair, Chair appoints rest of committee

Current Committee Members

Barbara Durrant and Matthew Wheeler, Co-Chairs, Gabriel Bo, Argentina, Eduardo Gastal, USA, Lucky Nedambale, South Africa, Foundation Liaison, Jeremy Thompson, Australia


Partner Committee Reports - January 2019  
Partner Committee Reports - January 2017  

Procedures Committee


Chair (Vice President)


To promote a consistent and updated practical function of the IETS.


To ascertain an update of key documents describing the Society's general functions, in particular related to the Annual Conference and the IETS Committees.


  • Annually review and update the Annual Conference handbook. The committee and FASS will work together to update the new version, to be ready before May 1, in order to be sent out to groups who wish to present bids for the Annual Conference 2 years ahead.
  • Annually review and update the committee descriptions. The committee and FASS will work together to update the committee descriptions to be ready by April 1 so that the descriptions can be sent out to the respective chairs of each committee and posted on the IETS website.
  • Prepare and present reports: mid-year (June) and end-of year (January) reports.
Workshop/Webinar Website Committee

Structure Chair appointed by the President, Committee members: Morulas Board, Chair appoints rest of committee

Current Committee members

Chair: Marcello Rubessa

Current Committee Members: Partner Society, Morulas Board, Foundation, and Jenny Paul


To keep in contact with the membership and to update the website