Reproduction, Fertility and Development (RFD) is an international journal for the publication of original and significant contributions to the field of reproductive biology in vertebrate animals, including humans, livestock and wildlife (as well as pest animals). Work on wildlife must not simply extend familiar biology to a new species – it must show how the species studied adds new perspectives to our general understanding of reproductive biology.
Subject areas include, but are not limited to: physiology, biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, genetics and epigenetics, behaviour, developmental biology, immunology and endocrinology. Our readers are interested in novel developments in reproductive technology, but rarely in clinical science or clinical application of artificial reproductive technology. We are interested in environmental influences on reproduction, including the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), but rarely publish toxicology or the effects of uncharacterised mixes of chemicals, such as plant extracts, unless the active ingredient is fully defined and the mechanism of action is provided.
All papers are peer reviewed.
IETS is proud to publish the IETS Annual Conference proceedings annually in RFD.