Based on recommendations by IETS advisors and discovery through “growing pains”, the members of the Morulas executive committee, being Carrie Hanna, Mike Peoples, and Sebastian Demyda, would like to propose minor changes to the format of the Morulas executive committee.
The current format supports three (3) elected members to the committee:
- President/Director of Membership (current ‐ Carrie Hanna); 3 year term
- Vice President/Director of Career Development (current ‐ Mike Peoples); 2 year term
- Vice President/Director of International Affairs (current ‐ Sebastian Demyda); 2 year term
Each position has a specific list of responsibilities (described on the IETS web page) for which that member is charged with managing throughout their term of service. In practice, these specific responsibilities are discussed and carried out by all members on the committee.
The proposed changes would be to the committee format in language only, to the term duration for the President, and schedule of elections. Specifically, the changes would:
- Change the term “Morulas Executive Committee” to “Morulas Board of Governors” and consist of three (3) elected Governors, one (1) of which would be the elected President.
- The term of service for the President would decrease from three (3) years down to two (2).
- The election cycle for the President would alternate with the election cycle for the two (2) Governor positions so that at any given year, at least one member on the Board would have at least one year experience planning for annual meeting events [elections for the Governor positions would occur in even number years (i.e. 2012) and the President in odd number years (i.e. 2013)].
- The list of specific responsibilities would become that of the entire Board and not divided up among individual Governors.
Upon approval of these proposed changes, the Board will transition them into effect beginning this year, 2012, with the election for the two Governor positions. The newly appointed Governors would assume their post at the conclusion of the 2013 IETS annual conference to mark the beginning of their two (2) year service. Elections for President would be conducted in 2013 with the incoming member assuming the role at the conclusion of the 2014 IETS annual conference.
These changes reflect a desire to streamline organization of the executive committee and to prevent undo burden on any one member. It is the desire of this executive committee that as the Morulas grow in membership, service in leadership is a shared responsibility by all members, manageable even with the obligations intrinsic to trainee advancement.