Annual Conference Discounts
A conference is held annually, usually in early or mid January. The program includes invited speakers, contributed poster presentations, a student competition, the acknowledgment of the contribution of a pioneer in the field of embryo transfer, and exhibits of drugs and equipment used in embryo transfer. Full-length papers from the invited speakers and the contributed abstracts are refereed and published. The proceedings are available at the time of the conference and will be posted online and in the Reproduction, Fertility and Development journal, for all members who cannot attend the conference. All members receive a discounted rate on registration fees.
Membership in IETS offers the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with leading researchers and practitioners in the field. The best opportunity for networking occurs at the annual conference.
A newsletter is published electronically four times per year containing: 1) abstracts of recent papers of particular interest, 2) announcements of forthcoming meetings on subjects related to embryo transfer, 3) advertisements of open job positions or persons seeking employment, 5) a featured article, and 6) reports from the Board of Governors and Committee Chairmen. Newsletters are posted online and members are given a secure login password to access them.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference
Each year the Proceedings of the Annual Conference is published in January. It is distributed to all IETS members and nonmembers attending the conference. The conference proceedings are posted on the IETS website and the RFD website. The Proceedings of the Annual Conference will not be mailed out to members not attending the Annual Conference unless requested by the individual member. Send an email to to request your copy. Proceedings from 1999 to the present are posted on the IETS website for members to access with their login.
A membership directory is available on line through the IETS website. The directory lists the member’s name, the name of their organization, address, telephone, fax, email, and a coded statement of services offered. The directory is searchable: you can search on name, state, country or services offered.
Embryo Chat Listserv
The IETS sponsors a listserv as a vehicle to foster communication between IETS members on all topics related to animal embryos. Superovulation, embryo grading, in vitro production, and cryopreservation are just a few of the topics to be discussed. Advertisements or offensive posts will be blocked.
To join the listserv, send an email to The body of the message should contain the following text:
subscribe ietsembryochat-L firstname lastname
The remainder of the message should be blank — no signatures, additional text, etc.
Committee Activities
Members have the opportunity to address particular problems of embryo transfer by serving on committees.
Health and Safety Advisory Committee (HASAC)
Assignments have been made to prepare and encourage use of standardized forms of recording the recovery, transfer, and frozen storage of embryos by embryo transfer practitioners and breed associations, and to review the current knowledge of disease-embryo interaction and regulations governing international trade in embryos. HASAC has helped shape the regulatory process for international movement of embryos, and for herd bio-security.
Companion Animal, Non-Domestic & Endangered Species (CANDES)
Members can also participate in the CANDES committee that is designed to meet the needs of those who are doing research on companion animals, non-domestic and endangered species.
Domestic Animal Biomedical Embryology Committee (DABE)
Members can also participate in the DABE committee to serve as an informational resource pertaining to the derivation, characterization, and differentiation of farm and companion animal stem cells in order to provide a foundation for the development of cell-based therapies.
Reproduction Fertility and Development Subscription
CSIRO Publishing offers members of the IETS a free online access to Reproduction, Fertility and Development. Reduced rates for a print subscription are also offered. To arrange a subscription, please contact CSIRO Publishing directly or fill out the order form.
Reduced Subscription Rates to Select Journals
Members of the International Embryo Transfer Society are entitled to a personal subscription to Theriogenology at a special reduced price ($270 in United States; $308 Rest of world).
As an IETS Member Subscriber, you will receive 18 issues per year and access to full content online back to 1995. To activate your subscription, complete and return this form to the address below. Theriogenology serves as an international forum for researchers, clinicians, and industry professionals involved in animal reproduction biology.
Ranked by Journal Citation Reports®, published by Clarivate Analytics, as a top veterinary publication, this acclaimed journal publishes articles on a wide range of topics in reproductive biology and biotechnology, including basic and applied studies in cryobiology of gametes and embryos, conservation biology, and assisted reproduction of domestic, wild, avian, and aquatic species.
Members should contact with the society affiliation to process their subscription. You may also contact Elsevier by phone, +1 800 654 2452. IVR option for society members is 2. Hours of operation are 7:30 am to 5:00 pm CST.
Chat support:
Members will need to quote their IETS member number to qualify for the discounted subscription price.
Animal Reproduction Science
As a member of IETS, you can take advantage of the opportunity to become a subscriber to Animal Reproduction Science at a reduced rate. For more information, contact: Elsevier Science, Inc., 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010-5107 USA
Code Numbers to Identify Embryo Transfer Units
The IETS administers the assignment of code numbers to embryo transfer companies and practitioners to label containers of frozen embryos with a permanent, recognized identification number. The application fee is $100 for IETS members or a one-time fee of $500 for non-IETS members. Once a code is assigned there is no annual fee for IETS members, who remain current, to maintain their code. For non-IETS members, who have paid the one-time fee of $500, their freeze code will automatically be updated every year. The active freeze codes will be listed on the IETS website with the information available to government agencies and other freeze code holders.
The IETS publishes a manual with guidelines for general procedures for bovine embryo transfer, minimum standards for hygienic handling of embryos, an updated summary of results of research on embryo-pathogen interactions, and recommended standardized methods of labeling of containers of frozen embryos. IETS offers free online access to the manual.
Voice in the International Community
IETS provides a voice in the international community, via OIE and CODEX Alimentarius, with regard to transportation of embryos, classification of animal diseases influencing embryo technologies, and food safety of clones and genetically modified animals through the various HASAC and CANDES committees. A number of regulatory agencies (FDA, FSIS, Ag. Canada, etc.) come to the annual conference to hear the Society's positions and member opinions and views as well as ask IETS members to serve on advisory panels and groups.