How to use Zoom to record your presentation

  1. Log into Zoom. For most universities, this works best if you log into your university Zoom. For this example, the presenter is logging into Zoom at the University of Florida at with their university ID and password. If your company/university doesn’t have a license, no problem as Zoom can also be used for free. Go to this link to sign up:
  2. Once you’re in your Zoom profile, click “Host a Meeting” in the upper right-hand corner and choose Screen Share Only.
  3. You should be prompted to open Zoom meetings, click the “Open Zoom meetings” pop-up.
  4. The first item that should pop-up is a screen that will ask which “screen” you’d like to share. You can either share your whole screen or share your PowerPoint slides only.
    1. NOTE: If you’re sharing outside video links, share your whole screen. The video will not be visible if you are only sharing your PowerPoint. Also. click “share computer sound” in the bottom left-hand corner so we can hear your sound.
  5. A green box will show up around your shared screen and a toolbar will be somewhere on your screen. First click on the far-left side to join audio, selecting “Join with computer audio.” Once you’ve joined with the audio, make sure you UNMUTE! (also done with the far-left button).

  6. If you would like to have your picture in the video so we can see you while you talk, then “start video”. Move your picture to the top right corner of your screen. Remember that your picture may cover parts of your PowerPoint slides, so think strategically about this while making your slides.
  7. If you’ve shared your whole screen, pull up your PowerPoint and do PowerPoint Slideshow.
  8. When you are ready to start, click record.
    1. If you don’t see a button for record, go to “More” on the far-right side, to find it. You can either “record to this computer” or “record to the cloud.”

      Some might find it is easier to record to computer, and then use simple video editing software (like QuickTime Player) to trim off the beginning or end (find Trim under Edit in the menu).

      Some might prefer record to the cloud which puts the file as a link in your Zoom account. Once you click this, you are recording so you can begin presenting!
  9. Once you are finished and you “leave the meeting”, Zoom will automatically create an mp4 file.
  10. If the file is on your own computer, you can search for mp4 files, and it should be there almost immediately.
    If you record to cloud, it can take some time before it is available. To access your recorded videos in the cloud, go to your Zoom profile and click “Recordings” from the right-hand tab.


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Precon Module 2 - 8 CEU
HASAC Precon - 6 CEU
DABE Precon - 6 CEU
IETS Annual Conference - 19 CEU

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How safe are in vitro-produced embryos for international trade?

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