International Embryo Technology Society Foundation Graduate Student Research Competition Entry Form

All Graduate Student competition participants must complete this form in order to officially enter the competition.

This form must be submitted no later than July 29, 2024.

This form is being sent to Jenny Paul, Executive Secretary and to the Chairman of the IETS Foundation Education Committee

Submission of this form is required by all candidates for entry into the Graduate Student Research Competition.

International Embryo Technology Society Foundation Student Competitions Entry Form


Student Competition Entry Form

        (please select one)

Name of Student Entering Competition

Mailing Address*

Email Address* (please enter only one)

(Country Code) (Area/City Code) (#)(Country Code) (Area/City Code) (#)

*Please provide university/institute addresses and numbers.

Tracking # of Abstract Submitted

Title of Abstract

Student Competition

By submitting this form electronically, I, (Name of Student) certify that the data in the accompanying abstract have not been accepted for publication elsewhere and have not been (nor will be) presented at any national or international meeting prior to the Annual Conference of the International Embryo Technology Society (IETS) for which the abstract has been submitted. If a manuscript containing the same data that are the basis for the abstract submitted to IETS is accepted for publication prior to the time of the competition, I understand that I will become ineligible to compete and that the IETS abstract will be withdrawn immediately. In addition, I certify that the data in the accompanying abstract are original and have been gathered during my degree program.

Name of Major Professor/Faculty Supervisor

Email address of Major Professor (please enter only one)

I certify that the above-named student is currently enrolled in a degree program leading to the following degree:


I also certify that the data in the accompanying abstract have not been accepted for publication elsewhere, have not been (nor will be) presented at any national or international meeting prior to the IETS Annual Conference, have been gathered during the student degree program, and are original. In addition, I understand that if a manuscript containing the same data that are the basis for the abstract submitted to IETS is accepted for publication prior to the time of the competition, the student will become ineligible to compete and that the IETS abstract will be withdrawn immediately.


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Call for Abstracts - Abstract submissions deadline, July 23, 2024

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