Access the complete meeting program online or via our app to browse sessions, build your schedule, take notes, network, and more.
Download the mobile app in the Apple App Store or on Google Play, or use the web platform. Once the app is downloaded, enter "IETS2025" to access the meeting.
If you previously used this app for a different conference, click "More" from the home screen, choose "Change Event," and then enter "IETS2025".
Co-Chairs: Beatriz Fernandez-Fuertes & Eduardo Ribes Martinez
Co-Chairs: Cindy Tian & Meihong Shi
Co-chairs: Sofia Ortega & Giovanna Nascimento Scatolin Sponsored by Kitazato
Co-Chairs: Jordan Thomas & Raul A Gonzalez-Castro Sponsored by Partnar Animal Health and Proterra Genetics
Co-Chairs: Goo Jang & Abigayle Pollock
Chair: Carol Hanna
Chair: Carlos Pinzon Sponsored by Professional Embryo Transfer Supply Inc. (PETS)
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